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Volume 2, No.1 (2010)

Visua1 Evoked Potentials to Geometric Forms: Effects of Shape and Spatial Orientation of the Figure

Motoo ITO.


As an examination of the effects of shape and spatial orientation of the figure on transient pattern-onset visual evoked potentials (VEPs),two outlined geometric figures of equal length were preliminarily presented in the lower or upper visual field (the LVF or the UVF).They were a diamond and an oval and arranged to be vertical or horizontal in each visual field. Transient VEPs were recorded referentially from inion, 5,10 and 15 cm above it (I,I5,I10 and I15)for 8 participants. The grand average of subtracted waves were obtained between the figure and blank (control) conditions. Earlier negative (N1)(averaged peak latency: 134 ms)and later positive (P2)(232 ms) waves were recorded in the LVF. ln the UVF, earlier positive (P)(128 ms) waves were obtained,but later negative was not found. Two-way ANOVAs (2 forms x 2 orientations) were conducted for the amplitude values with Location l5. Main results were as foHows: In the Nl the diamond was signifi-cantly larger than the ova1,the vertical being bigger than the horizonta1. The vertical evoked significantly greater responses than the horizontal in the P, while the diamond did signincantly larger responses than the oval in the P2.The rates of contribution of shape and orientation were about 53% and 47% in the N1. 1t is concluded that shape and spatial orientation of the figure are influential each other,so it is difficult to attri-bute it to only one factor.

Keywordsform perception, visual evoked potentials, locus of stimulus presentation, spatial orientatlon

Factors Affecting the Burden on Caregivers of Stroke Aphasia Patients -A Preliminary Report Using the Japanese version of the Zarit Caregiver Burden lnterview (J-ZBI)-.

Hiroshi TATSUMI, Masahiko YAMAMOTO.


This study was performed to clarify care burden and its relevant factors in families with chronic aphasic patients.

Subjects were 25 chronic aphasic patients at home who were treated as out patients of the general hospita1, and 25 families of those. The patients were evaluated with the Standard Language Test of Aphasia (SLTA), Communication Abilities in Daily Living scale (CADL), Raven's Coroured progressive matrices (RCPM), Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), Stroke and Aphasia Quality of Life Scale-39 (SAQOL-39), and Functional Independence Measure (FIM), The families answered to Zarit Caregiver Burden lnterview (J-ZBI), SF-36, CES-D for family, and Neuropsychiatric lnventory-brief questionnaire (NPI-Q), We classified the subjects of the familes into 2 of a high burden group (21 or more points)and a low burden group (20 or less points)based on the total score of J-ZBI,and assess the signficant difference of those evaluation scores between the 2 groups. Furthermore, multiple regression analysis is applied to examine the prediction factors of the care burden.

A primary focus region for aphasia, FIM, CADL, CES-D for family,the psycho-social score of the objective SAQOL-39, and NPI-Q showed the significant difference between the high burden and the low burden groups. A general care burden was correlated with each of FIM, CADL, the family's educational age,SF-36,CES-D for family, and NPI-Q, The result of multiple linear regression analysis verined FIM and CES-D for family as prediction factors of the care burden. 0n the other hand,the care burden was not related to the severity of aphasia and intelligence of the patients.

The care burden in families with chronic aphasic patients was strongly influenced by the ADL of their patients and depressive state of the families. ln order to reduce care burden in families, improvement in the Patient's ADL capability and family's psychologic supports are required.

Keywordsaphasia, caregiver's burden, activities of daily living, communication disorders

Influence of Multiple Lifestyle and Environmenta1 Factors on the lncidence of Denta1 Caries in lnfants

Keiko OHSUKA, Naohito CHINO.


This study was performed to analyze the influence of multiple lifestyle and en-vironmental factors on the incidence of dental caries in infants.

Subjects and methods
Subjects were 232 infants born between the fiscal years of 1997 and 2001 who,at the ages of 1.6 and 3 years, participated in health checkups in “N" town. Dental checkup-related data were extracted from 103 items that composed the health-control documentation of mother and child, and information concerning lifestyle, 1iving environ-ment, number of fluoride applications, et cetera was obtained from questionnaires filled out by mothers. Collected data were analyzed by logistic regression analysis and other statistical procedures.

Logistic regression analysis in which the presence/absence of caries at the age of 3 years was set as the response variable and supposed determinant factors present at the age of 1.6 years (11 items)were set as explanatory variables revealed the following: 1) compared with infants who lived in the rural area of “N" town,the odds of the pres-ence of caries in 3-year old infants who lived in the urban area were approximately 30% (95%CI 0.144-0.648); 2)the odds of the presence of caries in infants who dozed off while drinking milk or during breast-feeding were nearly 4 times (95%CI 1.564-9.979) higher than the odds for infants who did not have this custom; 3)the odds when the daytime caring person was the mother or the nursery school staff were less than 30% (95%CI 0.098 - 0.689) of those when the daytime caring person was a grandmother; 4) the odds for infants who used to eat no more than 1 or 2 snacks during the day were approximately 40% (95%CI 0.171-0.910) of the odds for infants who used to have 3 or more snacks per day. In addition, analysis of the correlations between lifestyle and environmental candidate determinant factors present at the age of 1.6 years found<1% levels of statistical significance for “use of milk bottle" vs. "dozing off while drinking milk or during breasfeeding" and “living with grandparents" vs. “daytime caring person", and く5% levels of statistical significance for “defined snack-eating time" vs. "snack-eating frequency", “residence area" vs. “use of milk bottle", “use of milk bottle" vs "defined snack-eating time", "dozing off while drinking milk or during breast-feeding" vs. "defined snack-eating time", and “use of milk bottle" vs. average volume of milk intake per day". Furthermore,among the 78 infants diagnosed with caries,84.6% had plural carious teeth and the proportion of infants with plural carious teeth was high for those who had unsuitable habits.

Results of this study indicate that lifestyle and environmental factors complexly interact to affect the occurrence of dental caries in infants.

We assume that,taking unsuitable habits and their interconnection into consideration, improvement of lifestyle and living environment is the most important issue to consider when implementing actions to prevent dental caries.

Keywordsinfant,dental caries lifestyle,1iving environment,multiple factors

Acoustic Analysis on Articulation Therapy for Speech Disorder with Cleft Lip and Palate



Speechsound disorders are classmed mainly into four categories: articulation disorders with organic diseases and neurological diseases, functional articulation disorders, and apraxia of speech (AOS).Cleft lip and palate(CLP)is one of the maJor causes of articulation disorders in children among congenital anomaly of organic diseases.A child patient with clen lip and palate was subJected to the study of acoustic analysis. Acoustic analysis was performed on the Process of articulation therapy using the speech analysis program (Multi-Speech, Model 3700, KayPENTAX).His profile was expressed as not only the assessments of articulation and phonological aspects, 1 anguage, and resonance, but also the history of surgical approach. We compared the data of acoustic analysis with auditory perceptual impressiononchronological process of aTticulation therapy・
Sound spectrogram shows the n・icative changes of stop sounds and the formant fiequency displacement of vowels.lt is thought that these nndings result from unacquisition of precise articulation skills fornlanner and place of articulation and velopharyngeal inadequacy. As to acoustic Perceptual imPression, omission, acoustic insumciency and weak production of consonants, and nasalization of vowels were observed. The overa11nndings of acoustic analysis agreed with the perceptual impression, but these were not necessarily consistent with perception. His articulation was gradually acquired according to the developmental milestones of the phonemes with articulation theraPy. Although it seems that almost normal articulation was established from perceptual impression, the acoustic data clearly revealed the incomplete burst of consonants and the presence ofvelopharyngeal inadequacy・
Taken together, these findings suggest acousticanalysis is useful to monitor the effect of articulation therapy on articulation skills and veloPharygeal closure. Moreover,a radical operation for cleft Palate is needed to the further articulation development in addition to the habilitative treatment of articulation.

Keywordscleft lip and palate, acoustic analysis, articulation therapy, velopharyngeal inadequacy, weak production of consonants

Controlling the Two Kinds of Error Rate in Selecting an Appropriate Asymmetric MDS Model

Naohito Chino, Shingo Saburi.


ASYMMAXSCAL is revisited first, which is a maximum likelihood asymmetric multidimensional atiscaling method recently proposed by Saburi and Chino (2008). It is proven that the likelihood ratio test statistic on the quasi-symmetry hypothesis proposed by Caussinus (1965) and that of a marginal homogeneity hypothesis suggested by Andersen (1980) are mutually independent statistically. A possible applicon of this theorem is indicated to asymmetric relational data in the context of asymmetric multidimensional scaling.

Keywords two kinds of error rate, asymmetric MDS, statistical independence of statistics, completeness


The following sentence should be deleted, which appears from the 6th line to the 3rd line from the bottom of page 40:
However, these two statistics are not statistically independent at least exactly, because GMH is not the function of the complete sufficient statistics, fi? , f?j and fij +fji.

An Application of Maximum Likelihood Asymmetric Multidimensional Scaling for Paired Comparison Data -Analysis of Friendship Data Among Nations in East Asia and the Related Nations-

Shingo SABURI, Naohito CHINO.


This study shows an application of maximum likelihood asymmetric multidimensional scaling for paired comparison data. This method enables us to compare various candidate models by AIC, and to test several symmetry hypotheses. It was applied to the friendship data among China, Japan, North Korea, Russia, South Korea, and the U.S.A., which was collected by an expanded complete method of triads. As a result, some symmetry hypotheses were not rejected and others were largely tended to be rejected. According to AIC, three-dimensiona1 Euclidean distance model was the most optimal model, but three-dimensiona1 0kada and Imaizumi (1987)'s model showed almost the same AIC value. These results were compared with those of the preceding study dealing with the similar relationship.

Keywordsasymmetric multidimensional scaling, maximum likelihood method, paired comparison

Analysis of early P3 and late P3 for Stop stimuli -An examination by dua1-task Paradigm

Fumi ITO, Mitsuro KIDA.


The participants (N=37) performed a discriminative reaction task under the Stop/NoStop task in a dua1-task paradigm.Two subcomponents of P3 for the Stop stimuli in a discriminative reaction task were measured: early P3(peak latency 360 ms)and late P3 (peak latency 540 ms). Under the RT only condition, partieipants perfbrmed just the reaction time task, whereas under the dua1-task condition, they concurrently performed the reaction time task and the mentalcounting task. The dual task consisted of two conditions differing in task difficulty. For Stop stimuli, the early P3 amplitudexvasreduced systematically ascounting task becomes dimcult,but the late P3 amplitude was not difTerent between task conditions.The difTerences in the early and late P3s elieited by Stop and NOStop stimuli (lto,Akamine,& Kida, 2008) appeared in late P3 amplitude, The early and late P3s elicited by the Stop and NoGo stimulus (lto & Kida, 2006) which participants are required not to make a motor response were similar.

Keywordsdualtask, Stop/NoStop task, early P3,late P3

Effect of the Ability for Presentation lmprovement used a VTR for Exercise Trainer Training Subject

Hideo ITO, Masakazu NAITO, Hiroshi SUITO, Masaru NAGASAKI, Yuzo SATO.


The Purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the ability for presentation improvement using a VTR for exercise trainer training subject.

Videotaping the leading scene of the student was performed by a digital camera in an exercise trainer training subject by the university (The class is composed of seven times). The evaluation was themselves evaluation, experienced examiner evaluation and student's formative evaluation after finished the lesson.

Signincant diffbrences were observed to experienced examiner evaluation between the control group and the videotaping group (p<0.01).By the third class themselves evaluation was significantly higher in the intervention group and the control group than experienced examiner evaluation (p<0.01). However, themselves evaluation was significantly lower than experienced examiner evaluation by the fifth class of the intervention group (p<0.01).ln addition, the student's formative evaluation was significantly diflerent in an item of“the learning" when we compared control group with videotaping group (pく0.05). And
the item of the“success" showed a higher tendency (p=0.067).

The VTR feedback recognized themselves image and an actually instructed difference about a speech in particular, and it was made a concrete problem. lt was thought that it become the factor of the ski11 improvement. In addition, the VTR feedback was effective so that student felt “leaming" and “success" by classes. Therefore, it was suggested that the VTR feedback was usefu1 in an exercise trainer training subject.

Keywordsexercise trainer, presentation, VTR, feedbaek, videotaping

The Effects of Class Preventing Lifestyle-related Diseases in Obesity Students

Yuki NlSHIGUCHI, Masaru NAGASAKI, Masakazu NAITO,Hiroshi SUITO,Yuzo SATO.


Recently,obese young adults are increasing because they have bad 1ifestyle with no exercise and unbalanced diet. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of class preventing lifestyle-related diseases for obesity students in our university.

The subjects were our university students (7 males,Mean age: 19士1 years, BMI: 30.9士5.4), This class consisted of exercise program and nutrition program for 12 weeks. The exercise program consisted of combination of resistance training and aerobic training of middle strength, 3 times per week, 60~90 minutes a day. The training was managed to use an exercise record diary and a website to report by mobile phone or internet.The nutrition program was carried out a time per week by our university doctor. We investigated the blood chemical analysis, body composition and physical fitness before and after class period, and more the survey of lifestyle after 6 months.

HDL-c, abdominal circumference and physical fitness were improved significantly, and body weight showed a tendency to decrease. lt showed that the exercise program enabled exercise adherence for 5 males to exercise 2 times per week, 60 minutes a day and the nutrition program enabled adherence to be regular diet inthe survey of lifestyle.

This class in obesity students enabled to exercise adherence and be regular diet, and it also showed that this class was effective to improve lipid metabolism with increasing HDL-c and physical fitness.Therefore, this study suggested that this class was able to get ability for health eare with a good lifestyle.

Keywordsclass preventing lifestyle-related diseases, lifestyle-related diseases, obesity students, exercise program, exercise adherence, website, mobile phon

Survey and Evaluation of the Sex Education for High Schoo1 Students by Yogo Teachers



This is a report on the sex education which was conducted by yogo teachers to the 196 high school students in Aichi Prefecture. When yogo teachers gave it to them, 98% of the students answered they felt good. And when asked the reason for that, they said they could learn it with ease because yogo teachers paid close attention to their feelings.
Through their response, we can conclude that we should study about it fully beforehand, be careful not to put a special emphasis on the genitials and make them understand the importance of communication between them.

Keywordssex education, high school students, Yogo teachers

 The Influence of Exercise Adherence in Comprehensive Health Promotion Program of exercise/nourishment/the rest

Takao TAKAHASHI, Masakazu NAITO, Hiroshi SUITO, Masaru NAGASAKI, Yuzo SATO.


The purpose of this study was to assess the innuence of exercise adherence in comprehensive health promotion program.

he subjects ofthe grouP were 20 people (age: 59.0士9.0 years)who participated in the health support program between october 28 and December 16, 2008. This study investigated the effects of the intervention on body composition and blood chemical analysis. Twenty people particiPated the lecture 皿d exercise and cooking program including aerobic dance, calisthenics, walking exercise and basic information on diet and mental once a week for two months.

There were signincant declines in body weight (Pre: 56.1士5.2 kg vs post: 54.8±5,4 kg, p<0.01), BMI (pre: 23.3±2.3 vs post: 22.8土2.3, p<0.01)and abdominal circumference (pre: 83ぶ=7.3 cm vs post: 81,0士フ.1 cm,p<0.05)[values are mean士SDI. 0n the other hand, other measurements did not show signincantly differences, ln addition, according to the results of the questionnaire survey on this study, the consciousness for the exercise improved for every additional times (Pre: 21.1%vs program end three weeks later: 37.5%).About a change of the exercise frequency, the ratio of the subJect who exercised more than 2 times a week increased for every additional times (pre: 63.1%vs program end thlee weeks later: 81.3%).

Consciousness of health and an action were promoted by the comprehensive health promotion program. Therefore this study suggested that the comprehensive health promotion program could promote exercise adherence.

Keywordshealth support program, exercise adherence, exercise, nourishment, rest

Bullying in the Elementary Schools (4)

Ryoji SAKAi.


"Bullying" is a phenomenon that has been seen for a long time in any society and by any generation, but the suicide of elementary and junior high school students who were worried about bullying happened successively in 2006 and bullying has been taken up as a sensational social issue again (Sakai,2007). Here,we conducted a questionnaire survey on bullying in three elementary schools. The questionnaire consisted of 12 1ower items and free descriptions of the opinion concerning bullying, The investigation object was a group of 303 people (153 boysj50 girls) from 4th graders to 6th graders in Aichi.
As a result, the child who was more than 90% by aH school years thought that it “was a prohibited thing to torment a friend". ln addition, about 30%in these children think that the bullying is prohibited even if there is a bad place to a tormented child. 0n the contrary, the children who think so is 60 percent or more the children who answered,"Because the bullied children also have the fault,it cannot be helped, and has increased when the school year rises. About 80 percent of children are afraid to be the target of the buHying, and they think that they do not want to be related to bullying・
Child has a feeling that l want to stop bullying. However, at the same time then, they have a fear that they might be towards the bullying themselves. Therefore, children have feelings about asking for more attention to bullying when watching and listening to the teacher.
Grade 6 children will be more subtle bullying. Therefore the audience and the bystander are not seen whether to bully it easily and it is performed to the way. The child whom l answered that I "should take revenge if tormented" is about a httle less than 50%, and such a consciousness rises as a school year rises.
It can be said that it has the possibility that everyone bullies, and is bullied as long as the condition is satisfactory for the grade-schooler. Therefore, a positive appeal from parents and the teacher will act effectively for the bullying prevention. Moreover, it can be said that the child is requesting the teacher's positive intervention for the bullying prevention.
ln the result of a free description, a lot of opinions ("The victim was poor" and "Why the victim was bllied is not understood " etc.) that affirmed the victim of bullying were seen. There were a lot of opinions that the bullying was wrong, and we have to think about the feeling ofthe victim more.

Keywordsbullying, audience, bystander, grade-schooler, elementary schoo1

Problems of Healthy Japan 21



National health care movement ofthe 21st century (Healthy Japan 21)" is a healthy measure of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. The purpose is to decrease a social load due to the sickness and the trouble, and extend the public health longevity. Moreover, the emphasis of sick prevention is assumed to have to put it on dying young. lt was clarified that there were a lot of items that went away oppositely far from coming close to one's goal in the interim report though the concrete target related to the health such as the death, contraction due to disease, and the risk factor on the life style, etc.had been set. Then, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare began a specific health examination (so-called metabolic syndrome health examination) of unprecedented and the world first that a fine was slapped to the insurance person who did not realize a target in 2008. Does healthy Japan 21 succeed really? Problems of nourishment and exercise, etc.were discussed.

KeywordsHealthy JaPan 21, National health care movement, 1ifestyle, metabolic syndrome

The Importance of Schoo1 Health Activity for the Prevention of the Metabolic Syndrome in Children

Yuzo SATO.


The recent increase in the number of people with dlabetes and metabolic syndrome is now thought to be pandemic, and it is vital that we work out an urgent and global countermeasure. lt has become apparent from clinical and epidemiological follow-up studies that appropriate dietary restriction and physical exercise improve in vivo insulin resistance and are useful for the prevention and treatment of lifestyle-related diseases, including the metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes, Diagnostic criteria for the metabolic syndrome in adults are as follows: visceral fat obesity (waist circumference: men≧85cm, women≧90cm) and 2 items among the following 3 items (1) lipid abnonnalities: TG≧150mg/dl and/or HDL-C<40mg/d1, (2) hypertension: SBP≧130mmHg and/or DBP≧85mmHg,(3) hyperglycemia: FBS ≧110mg/d1. Diagnostic criteria for the metabolic syndrome in children are as follows: waist circumference ≧80 cm (waist circumference/height ≧0.5 or waist circumference ≧75 cm for primary school pupils); 1ipid abnormalities: TG≧120mg/dl and/or HDL-C <40mg/d1; hypertension: SBP≧125mmHg and/or SBP≧70mmHg; hyperglycemia: FBS≧100mg/d1.
In studies that examined the endocrinologic and metabolic effects of exercisejt has been demonstrated that regular physical exercise promotes the utilization of blood glucose and free fatty acids in muscles and results in the lowering of blood glucose levels in patients with metabolic syndrome. ln addition,physical exercise combined with diqtary restriction prevents or eliminates obesity, one of the main factors of the metabolic syndrome. Furthermore,1ong-term jogging at a mild intensity, performed in a regular basis, increases the action of insulin in both carbohydrate and lipid metabolism without innfluencing body mass index or maximal oxygen uptake.
lt is,therefore, very important to teach children the importance of having healthy habits such as proper diet and physieal exereise. However, as the eontinuation of proper lifestyles is very difficult, as already reported by the Diabetes Prevention Program Research Groupjt is also necessary to educate children on how to incorporate regular exercise into their daily lives.
Therefore,Yogo teachers have a very important role conceming the implementatlon of health education activities in schools under the administration of school doctors.

Keywordsschool health, metabolic syndrome, lifesty1e education, diet, physical exercise

ERP-P3 for Pictures varies in Amplitude According to Stimulus Content

Aki Akamine, Mitsuro Kida.


This study explored whether the P3 event-related brain potential (ERP) is sensitive to the contents of pictures presented during a discriminative reaction time (RT)task.ln the Stop-cars task, five categories of picture (cars, people, electronics, nowers, and landscapes) were presented randomly, with probabilities of .40,.30,.10,.10,and .10,respectively. Thirty-one participants were asked to respond to every stimulus that was not a car by pressing a button. Another twenty-one participants also engaged in a Stop-figures task, which was identical to the Stop-cars task except that simple geometric figures replaced the car stimuli. ERPs for equiprobable stimuli (electronics,fowers,and landscapes)were analyzed.Two types of P3s were seen at around 380 ms and 520 ms after stimulus onset. The first component (early P3) featured a parietal maximal and seemed equivalent to the “classica1 P3" (P3b).The second component(1ate P3) was more anteriorly distributed. For both tasks, the amplitudes of early P3 differed across the stimuli. Additionally, the early P3 elicited by electronics stimuli was larger during the Stop-nguTes task than during the Stop-cars task. lt is well known that P3 (P3b) amplitudes can vary as a function of stimulus probability during a simple oddball task. However, the present results suggest that P3 amplitude for complex pictures in a discriminative RT task might be sensitive to stimulus content rather than probabilities.

Keywordsevent-related brain potentials; early P3; 1ate P3; picture content; stimulus probability

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